Released December 24, 2015!
CITY OF LIGHT is a faith-based fantasy about love, sacrifice, and redemption.
Five families wait with dread,
uncertain if their Aisilyn is the one the Dark Warrior will take. Only
Gennavieve is certain the Warrior will come for her sister. To protect Aisilyn,
and her upcoming marriage, Gennavieve puts herself in her sister’s place—allowing
the Dark Warrior to claim her as The Demon’s chosen bride.
In a world driven by faith no one
knows which prophecy will be fulfilled, or whether Gennavieve’s choice will
lead to The Demon’s destruction . . . or her own.
This is a project near and dear to my heart. For my mother's birthday this year, I released the printed, bound and professionally published copy of my poetry book. I don't expect this project to be groundbreaking, but its sentimental significance cannot be calculated. Happy birthday, Mom.
Released September 2015! BIRTHRIGHT Released October 15, 2015! REFLECTIONS OF REALITY: THE POETRY OF CHERI CHESLEY
This is a project near and dear to my heart. For my mother's birthday this year, I released the printed, bound and professionally published copy of my poetry book. I don't expect this project to be groundbreaking, but its sentimental significance cannot be calculated. Happy birthday, Mom.
Verity must put aside her father’s betrayal to save mankind.
Released April 22, 2015!
Unwanted. Torn between two families, Lady Jessenia Elsden curses her birth and wishes only for a place where she belongs. But is that place with her father's people, or in the royal courts of Fayerra and Demarde with her mother--the long absent Queen Roweena?
Jessenia will travel miles, even going to the royal courts of Peldon, to find her court's desire--somewhere, someone that she can call home.
Coming as an e-book just in time for Valentines' Day 2015!

Published November 2014:
When her fiancé, Drew, suggests having their wedding at his
family home in the Highlands of Scotland, Alita only thinks about the beauty
and romance awaiting her. She’s unprepared for the frosty greeting she and her
sister receive from each member of his family, particularly his domineering
But nothing shocks Alita more than the odd, menacing dreams
she begins to have her first night at MacColum House. Over and over again she dreams of a grisly
murder—with herself as the victim!
Published 2014: Poor Lizzie Lilac. When one of her favorite socks goes
missing, she is determined to find out where all the missing socks go. What she
learns is definitely more than she expected.
Author’s note: A few years ago, K.C. Rose and I got some
devastating news: a sweet friend and mother had an extremely aggressive form of
breast cancer. Since I had just launched my first novel into the world, I
decided to donate all my royalties for a period of months to the family to help
them fight this horrible invader. But it wasn’t enough—we knew we could do
more. That’s where the concept of the Lizzie Lilac book was born. This book is
not only dedicated to our friend (who is now cancer free!!) and her family, but
also to all the families who struggle with this disease. K.C. and I make no
profit from sharing this story—everything we raise will go to the Huntsman
Cancer Institute in Utah
to help them help others.
Thank you for being part of our fight
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