Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Story on Layering

Last week, Rebecca had to have port surgery. If you've been keeping up with her BLOG, you'll know that she's been having trouble with the chemo and they had to do something other than the IV method. This is one BRAVE lady, people. She hates all the medical stuff, hates needles, hates hospitals, etc--and has really come through it all amazingly well. Also, Monday (July 4) her youngest had his 4th birthday. He made sure we understood that all the fireworks and parties were for him. :) What a cutie!

Now I have just the teensiest request for me. Here's where the layers come in.

The Wild Queen, my e-book, is the story of a great, epic romance--but it is not a romance novel. Unfortunately, in categorizing the story for sale, someone *cough* me *cough* listed romance as one of the search words. This has led to at least one misunderstanding. A kind reader picked it up on amazon.com expecting a romance, and was sorely disappointed.

Please understand I appreciate feedback, even the not-so-nice kind, because it gives me a chance to analyze my writing, learn and grow. I also understand a review is simply someone's opinion, and I don't intend to try to please everyone. This reader took the story at face value and didn't like what they saw. Because of that, they jumped to a couple of erroneous conclusions, and really socked it to my non-romance romance novel. I've purposely layered this story, making it more complex than it would otherwise appear. I'm also confident I didn't over-complicate the plot because I've had several readers tell me what they think was really going on--and they are right.

So what's my problem? Simply this: the ONLY review the book has on amazon.com is a 1 star review, which I feel does the book--and my efforts to raise money for my friend's medical expenses--a disservice. My request? If you've read the book, please go to the product page on AMAZON and leave your review. I don't want anyone to diss this person's review or sink to name calling, because that's not what this is about. All I ask is that there be other opinions on there, too.



Mel Chesley said...

Well, I left a review... but haven't read the book. I don't know how much it will help considering it shows my last name as Chesley. XD Worth an effort though.

Krista said...

Alas, I have not read the book yet. No time for reading you see. But I will make an effort to get the book, and read it as fast as I can so that I can post a review. In fact, going to Amazon.com right now.