She's 35 years old.
And she has breast cancer.
Becky found a lump and wanted to ignore it. She's young, younger than the recommended age to get a mammogram. But she had to have it checked out, because she's conscientious that way. Because, even when scared, she does what she knows she has to do.
She got the call the afternoon of Wednesday, May 11th. Thursday she went to see the surgeon. Friday morning they did a mastectomy. That's right--two days after finding out.
As I type this, she's still up at the hospital recovering from surgery. I'm desperately resisting the urge to hover in the hospital hallways, because I know I can't do any good there.
Here's why I am telling you about Becky. This diagnosis has come at one of the worst times possible (as if there is such a thing as a good time to have breast cancer). her husband recently had back surgery, and is still recovering. And we all know medical treatments and procedures are expensive.
For the sake of Becky's family, for their well being and to help prevent financial devastation, I am donating ALL my royalties from my book and e-book sales to them to help pay their medical expenses. This includes all royalties and sales through August 31, 2011. Here's where you can help. In as little as a couple of clicks of your mouse, you can purchase a book or e-book and contribute to my cause.
Just so you know, offers books in ALL e-reader formats, so you can just go there and get whatever you need. I offer the other links in case you prefer to buy directly from or Barnes and Noble.

The Peasant Queen is my first print novel, but is also available as an e-book if you prefer. Discover the magic.

You can purchase the PRINT version, or the KINDLE or NOOKBOOK.

And it’s in high demand.
Lucien, the young king of neighboring Demarde, comes to Roweena’s father seeking an alliance, but comes away with a marriage contract for young Roweena’s hand. Furious and stubborn, this untamed beauty vows he will never conquer her. But the contract purposely gives her time to come to terms with her fate.
Before Lucien can return, Roweena’s home is attacked and her parents are murdered. The Healer’s Grove is also attacked—burned to the ground. With nothing more than her horse and the clothes on her back, Roweena goes to the only person she knows can help her. Lucien.
Purchase The Wild Queen for KINDLE, NOOKBOOK, or at SMASHWORDS.
Thank you. Remember, a little click can go a long way.
I just tweeted this to my followers Cheri!
i wish your friend luck!
I've tweeted, I've shared on Facebook and now will make a post and link back to here. Doing what I can with what I have.
I never go on facebook, but I will for this. Bought The Peasant Queen on Amazon . . . what a very nice way to donate to a cause both for you and for me. I'm looking forward to reading your book. (p.s. Karen is my sister).
This is so sad, I will keep this family in prayer.
Hey Cheri! Thanks so much for your support. I really,really appreciate this! Just to let you know, I started Chemo today. Time to go buy some hats. :)
Hats are so much fun! Still working on getting the word out and selling more books, but we're off to a decent start. And remember, any time you need a place for the kids I'm home all day. Love you, sweetie!
I just read your book "The Peasant Queen" and LOVED it!!! Perfect fairytale! Been awhile since I've read a book that was an easy read and I remembered all of the characters. I think what you are doing for your friend is wonderful and there are not enough people out there that would do something like that. I hope she does well. On another note will the book come out in paperback? I'm a huge fan of holding a I do not own a kindle. Just wondering. Thank you so much for the awesome read and I can't wait to see what else you do!
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