I use “wow” too much, but how do you describe a book that just leaves you reeling?
Tamara Heiner’s book, Perilous, is a thrill ride of danger and adventure. I sat down to skim it one evening after the kids were in bed, and ended up reading into the wee hours.

Action packed. And it all started with a bad coincidence. I'm afraid by explaining too much I'll be giving something away.
You’re going to love it. And, like me, be waiting anxiously for the next installment.
For fun, here is the information on the contests Tamara has running for this blog tour (in her own words):
Book giveaway: The winner of this contest will be randomly chosen. Every
person who comments on any post during the blog tour will be entered into
a random drawing for a book. Which I can autograph, if they want. The
contest begins on Nov. 16 and ends on Dec. 15.
Kindle giveaway: This contest is point-based and begins Oct. 15 and ends
Dec. 15. Whoever has the most points wins the Kindle. There will only be
one Kindle given away. Here are the points:
1 point: blog comment (can comment on all the blogs, multiple times, on
the tour)
1 point: follow my blog (http://tamarahartheiner.blogspot.com)
1 point: retweet
2 points: blog about the blog tour
5 points: purchase the book (ebook or paperback, must email me the
confirmation email) if they actually buy the book in the store they can
mail me a copy of the receipt.
Have them add up all their points as well as their proof (links, etc) and
email it to me at the end of the blog tour (tamara at tamarahartheiner dot
People can earn an infinite number of points! I'm excited for this!
To get you going, check out the trailer HERE
And, you'll have to read Perilous to understand, but I'm really scared for Kristin.
Nice job! I can't wait to release my review. And Tamara, what can one say about her. She is so sweet!
I'll have to put this book on my Christmas list. Thanks for the review.
I've had my eye on this book and am so excited to find out I just won a copy. YAY!
I hope Tamara sells many, many copies.
I've heard great things about Tamara's book!
Thanks so much for the awesome review!!! I hope I can return the favor someday!
Awesome to hear what you think. I'm entering this contest and hoping to win! :)
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