I am Cheri Chesley, and this is my author blog. Since I'm accruing new followers like quicksilver, I thought I'd take the C post to tell you a little about myself.
I was born in a little log cabin on the outskirts of . . . wait, that wasn't me. Sorry. Sometimes the voices in my head are a little louder than usual.
In truth, I was born in General Hospital. Ok, ok--Mesa General Hospital. I've always been a bit impatient, starting from being born 9 days early and NOT bothering to wait for the doctor across the room. Good thing the table was long, right? I am the last of 5 children and the only girl born to my parents. They divorced just before I turned 5, and my father passed away the spring before I turned 8.
I was an introverted, quiet child. It's not terribly surprising I turned to my imagination. At fourteen, I started writing my first novel. 282 hand written pages in a year and ten months. My sweet friends were nice enough to hang on every word as I wrote and read to them. Cool, huh? Talk about an ego boost.
I have dabbled in poetry, some of which isn't bad. I write in several genres, though YA fantasy is my current passion. And yes, I did manage to do something besides writing. In 1996 I married a great guy and we had 5 kids together--3 boys and 2 girls to add to his one girl from his previous marriage. Yep, that's 6 kids. Ages 18 to 5. And three of them are born on the same day, though not on purpose.
Last month, some of my work was published in a book called Angels Round About by Judy Olsen. In January, I was offered a contract to publish my YA romantic fantasy, The Peasant Queen, by Cedar Fort publishing. My tentative release date is Dec 1, 2010.
I also sew, play around with photography, bake when I'm stressed and love to travel with my family.
What else? Life is good. I struggle, I stumble, I learn, and I love God and Christ. God has given me all I have, and the mind to do something good with it. And I plan to.
A very good introduction of yourself, It was very interesting to read. I love to know about other people from different parts of the world.
Thanks for sharing. A good letter"c" TOPIC.
Very nice to "meet" and learn about you. And congratulations on your book being published. A great accomplishment to say the least. I hope you have a great day.
Congratulations, Cheri!!! Woot!
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